1. 各大廠牌中古塑膠射出機械、週邊設備的國內外買賣

2. 各大廠牌塑膠射出成型機械、週邊設備的整理及維修

3. 料管組、螺旋桿量身訂做及其維修

4. 機械支柱換新、曲手軸機構組維修

5. 更改全機電控系統與特殊機板改造

6. 安裝高效率高省電的節能伺服裝置

(1) Trade in used plastic injection molding machine and peripheral equipment of all brands.

(2) Repair and renovate plastic injection molding machine and peripheral equipment of all brands.

(3) Customize and repair material tube set and screw bar.

(4) Renew support pillar and repair robot arm structure set.

(5) Change electrical system for whole machine and rebuild particular mother board.

(6) Install energy saving and high efficiency server device.
